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The scientific name for the greenhead fly is Tabanus nigrovittatus, and it's also known as the salt marsh horse fly. Greenheads are found in coastal salt marshes and wetlands along the Atlantic Coast from Nova Scotia to Florida, and are especially prevalent in New England. The salt marsh horse fly, often called the greenhead fly, actually describes two species, Tabanus nigrovittatus and Tabanus conterminous. Both species of flies are found on salt marshes along the Atlantic Coast from Nova Scotia to Florida.
Horsefly bites cause raised, discolored bumps on your skin. They're painful but usually harmless. At-home care can help with symptoms. In rare cases, you may develop an allergic reaction, infection or a bacterial infection called tularemia.
No-see-ums are most active at night when temperatures drop and humidity rises, and they prefer moist, muddy, or swampy areas.
They can be found in many countries around the world, but their primary habitats are coastal and mountain areas, including wetlands, salt marshes, backyards, tree holes, and damp leafy areas. Some species of no-see-ums can produce a first batch of eggs without a blood meal, but they need blood meals for subsequent batches. The number of eggs produced depends on the species and the size of the blood meal.
They breed in wet sand and prefer humid environments, so they can be found near bodies of water, like gardens and ponds. When a female no-see-um bites, she injects saliva under the skin, causing blood to pool and a small red splotch to develop that becomes itchy. Over time, the bite can expand into a large, raised welt that can stay on the skin for up to two weeks.
The timing of the origin of ticks is uncertain, though the oldest known tick fossils are from the Createceous period, around 100 million years ago. Check out these websites for lots more information on what ticks are where and what kind of dangera they pose to the human race and all animals.
Check out these informative websites below for more information on ticks and what kind of havoc they can create for you and your family. Just by visiting my site, you already know how to avoid it.
Flea larvae are worm-like, with no limbs; they have chewing mouthparts and feed on organic debris left on their hosts' skin.
The earliest known fleas lived in the Middle Jurrasic Period.
Scientist believe that fleas probably originated on mammals first and expanded their reach to avian world. Each species of flea specializes, more or less, on one species of host: many species of flea never breed on any other host; some are less selective.